
Training Since 1971
Founded in 1971, the Young Sounds of Arizona remains the first and oldest youth program of its kind in the country. Young Sounds is comprised of forty students who range in ages from twelve to eighteen. They come from schools in the greater Phoenix area. All youth group members are accepted by audition and are considered to be the best young talent that the Valley has to offer. Youngs Sounds now features two big bands and a jazz combo.
Young Sounds is a non-profit 501-(c)(3) organization, governed by a Board of Directors and sponsored by the Professional Musicians of Arizona, Local 586 AFM. Performances and direct expenses for the organization as well as an annual college and jazz camp scholarship program are paid for through generous grants from government, business and community organizations. In addition to these youth group programs, Young Sounds sponsors a variety of clinics by famous performers and educators.
Our Mission
Young Sounds exists to assist in the well-rounded development of students, ages 12-19, by providing them the opportunity for developing excellence in musicianship including the necessary social skills through music education, mentoring by professional musicians, and musical performance. Each of the three Jazz Ensembles, comprised of students who earn their positions through an annual audition process, exists to engender and inspire musical excellence along with the social attributes of compatibility, dependability, positive attitude, and professionalism. The goal is to teach the youth group students these skills of successful musicianship through a signature music program and provide opportunities to work with the finest professional musicians, musical directors, and composers of international stature in a real-world atmosphere.
Jazz Is Our Passion
Since our founding, we have taught and guided countless children with their musical talents and instrumental skills. We’re pleased that we have made so many parents happy and proud of their little ones’ achievements. To this day, we continue offering our services to any young people in the area who want to learn music and perform. Since we’ve been doing this for decades now, we can assure you that the time your child will spend learning music with us will be worthwhile and rewarding. Starting with lessons, we’ll make sure that our way of teaching will suit your kid’s learning style and speed. Furthermore, with live concerts, our organizers and directors will always help children gain confidence and give them plenty of time on stage. Aside from that, as we also care about what the parents feel and think, you can expect us to be open about everything and remain honest throughout the program’s entirety.
Currently, our primary youth group is composed of forty students with ages from twelve (12) to eighteen (18) years old. As such, these learners are from different schools in Phoenix and are selected in fair auditions. Moreover, today, we have a Jazz combo and two bands that perform at various concerts throughout the year. As we don’t collect fees, all expenses are paid by the Professional Musicians of Arizona, Local 586 AFM, and several grants from businesses, the government, and community organizations. Lastly, Young Sounds of Arizona sponsors and organizes multiple clinics managed by educators and famous performers in the country.